Friday, July 24, 2009

3 and 6

so far this week i have been able to get in a 3 miler and 6 miler but still have a 3 miler and 12 miler to go!

so much has been going on but i have managed to just keep the running shoes on and run despite my schedule!

ready for things to slow down!

Marathon training continues, no matter what. Even when things get crazy or trials come that make things difficult, running is still there. If you give up and skip runs because of your schedule, you will NEVER be a runner!

So keep those shoes with you!

1 comment:

  1. so true. i'm in the same boat - i've run 3 and 6 this week. i'm planning on 12 tomorrow and 3 on sunday.
    can you believe we are approaching week 8!! we're almost to the half way point.
