Monday, October 5, 2009

crappy week!

Last week was the worst week so far of marathon training. I HATE the taper. It seems like it would be easy since it's low mileage but I made some huge mistakes. Because the runs were not very long, I allowed myself to be flexible and run at random times instead of USUAL times. Well for two very important runs, I waited too long and it rained. Now I can usually run in the rain but I do not have sidewalks to run on. I have the street right by fast zooming cars! So I get kind of scared running in a storm. Also Jeremy had to work late one night and I did not have enough day light. I have beat myself up over and over again for not getting all of my miles in. I know i will be fine because it's not going to hurt my marathon. If anything, my legs are getting the rest they need. But it really weighed on my spirit.

Marathon training is hard. It's extremely hard as a mother of three small children and a mom who homeschools and husband does not get home early and leaves early. No excuses but this is why I constantly tell my friends interested in becoming a runner that IT MUST BE YOUR PASSION or things will always get in the way and your training will never happen.

This week is a 3, 4, 2 and 26.2 mile week! Chicago here we come!

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