Monday, September 14, 2009

9 out of 14 (Friday)

Last week was the hardest week of training because of many things on the calendar. We had so much to do for the children's ministry kick off and Jeremy was out of town. Before he left town, I got up extra early Friday morning to run the 14 miler but was stopped at 9 because of the rain. Running in rain is actually great but it began to rain so hard that my feet were getting blisters from being so wet and my ipod was dripping wet. I had planned to finish and do 5 more over the weekend but never found any time to do it.

This week is peak of training! It's a 40 mile week!

5, 10, 5, 20!

Pray for my legs, feet and health!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amanda,

    I came across your blog while monitoring for the Chicago Marathon. Just wanted to give you a headsup on a cool digital campaign for this year's race. Go to:
    to check it out. Bank of America is donating $1 to charity for each footprint created - so far there are already 2,800.

    Also, you can become a fan of the Chicago Marathon at

    Call me if you have any questions and good luck!

